Wednesday, January 26, 2011

School Time

School starts in two weeks aughhh! It seems like baby just got out for summer break and it is time for her to return already. Her very lovely teacher has been spending an hour every week working with her and getting her ready for second grade. I keep thinking I want to homeschool but she is having so much fun I hate to take her out. I suppose as long as she is enjoying, learning and having a positive experience we will leave her there.
We have been in an ongoing battle with aerocasillas over mail delivery. Evidently thanks to homeland security you are very limited on what you can mail to yourself these days. That would include a mate gourd as well as some mate and a tatoo kit. Get real what is the problem?
I am trying to talk grandma into visiting and delivering gifts with her visit. She has not visited in the four and a half years we have lived here and I believe she would love it.
Daughter and her family have found a great three bedroom house right around the corner from us. It is nice to have a little elbow room but still have them close enough to run over.
Teeny worked for two and a half weeks at a call center taking verbal abuse for eight to twelve hours a day and decided it was not really what she wanted to do with her life. Now to get her studying and ready to take her exams. She really wants to go to estitian school. That would be fun for her and combined with her massage training she could work well at any spa.
We still have the "guy on the chair" playing his game non stop. I love computer and internet surfing but this guy puts me right to shame. Our oldest son is planning on moving here for awhile to chill and get his life together.
We really thought we found a pretty good hiding place here in Costa Rica but evidently not :) Actually I love having the tribe around and we are enjoying hanging out, going to the beaches doing leaves etc. Pura Vida!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Summertime and the Living is Easy

Yerba Mate latte!!!! We have been experimenting with mate recipes and this was the result of one try, yum! This particular recipe was mate, with chocolate syrup and some steamed milk on top. We make our own chocolate syrup from raw cocoa powder and raw sugar and water and vanilla. This one is a keeper for sure. We have added a little mint and that is good also. I made another one yesterday with mate, lemon juice, raw sugar and some fresh ginger grated in. Awesome! Soon to open our mate/cafe shop.

We took our summer trip to the Parque of Diversions. WE had a great time and the kids had so much fun. The craziest moment was when baby was too tall for the train. I almost cried when he told her she was a little too big for the ride. The funny part is her little short nephew weighs more than her :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Revolution Not Resolution

This year it is time for a revolution and I am ready!!! I just keep listening to John Lennon and know it is time for a revolution. My thinking has changed drastically this year and now I will have a time to act on it.

My biggest goal looming at the moment is Ironman Mexico in Cozumel this November. Boy I get really nervous in my stomach when I even think about that one, it will be a doozy. I have been doing four runs and three bikes a week. Next week the pool opens and I will add a couple of swims a week. The thing is I never get really fast at swimming, but I sure need to get stronger.

I have so enjoyed getting back on the bike. Man it feels good to cycle again and I forgot how much I loved it. Last week I even made it all the way up to Monte. It took some doing and I was a little sore in the hamstrings the next day, but it was awesome to make it.

One thing I am trying to incorporate this time, since I am not working as much and do not have six children at home, will be yoga. I hope that training will not be quite as stressful with less kids and less work and better weather. We will see. I do have the disadvantage of being 10 years older than the last time I did this.

Looking forward to an awesome year!