Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Am That Mom

This is a post for a fun blog carnival!

I am that mom that got married when I was 17, and have never regretted it.
I am that mom that wanted 10 children, but had to settle for 7 wonderful souls.
I am that mom that decided to home school my children before it was "cool".
I am that mom that raised my children organic, without T.V. and no sugar, ever!
I am that mom that learned that the above one does not work.
I am that mom that got DES called on her for not immunizing her oldest child, 30 years ago.
I am that mom that is still fighting DES over home schooling the baby, 30 years later.
I am that mom that has watched a son go through rehab, a divorce, and alcoholism.
I am that mom that has watched a son go through crystal meth, and rehab on World of Warcraft.
I am that mom that will let my children live with me forever, I love having them here and they know it.
I am that mom that has a son in jail.
I am that mom that plans our family vacations around when we can go visit my son in jail.
I am that mom who lost all confidence for a few years when my son went to jail.
I am that mom who told all my kids they did not have to exercise ever, as long as they were faster at one of my triathlon sports than I was, they all are.
I am that mom who grew dread locks for my son who is in jail, because he couldn't.
I am that mom who decided at 42 I wanted one more baby and went to China to get my baby girl.
I am that mom who told hubby lets sell it all and move to Costa Rica.
I am that mom living with my family in Costa Rica, and loving it.
I am that mom who has lived four years without a car, and would love to never,ever have to have one again.
I am that mom who would rather hang out with her kids than anything else in the whole world.
I am that mom who loves to run with my daughter and cannot imagine doing a marathon without her behind me with the whip.
I am that mom that insists on living my life my way, and the same right for all my children.


Ronnie said...

Thanks for joining us! It sounds like life has been quite a journey for you.

Here's the direct link to my post with all the carnival links (in comments) so future readers can find it: http://zombieprincess.blogspot.com/2010/07/im-that-mom.html

inadvertent farmer said...

Wow what a life's journey you've had...love this post an its honesty!

Just a reminder that we are getting near the end of the kinderGARDENS series and I'm urging everyone to link up as often as possible with their best posts. Soon the judges will be looking them over!

Have a happy Thursday! Kim

Anonymous said...

uhm, deep ...
you are that mom, that just touched another mom ...thank you !