Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I really am ready to start avoiding these parent teacher meetings. They have us come in, about six parents and talk to us. They don't want to call all the parents at once because of swine flu. So we all come in and sit for at least a half hour. The goal of the meeting? Trying to convince us that we want to give more money to the school.

Today we sat for thirty minutes for her to try and convince us that we wanted to donate four dollars over the next four months to finish the cafeteria. The catch? It will not be done before our kids leave the school in Dec!

After that hard sell they had to convince us that we wanted to donate eight dollars for our childs graduation packet. They are graduating from pre-kinder for goodness sakes! And the teacher had the nerve to joke about my husband asking why the school always wants more money!

Granted it sounds like small amounts, but it does add up. I look at these people whose average salary in Costa Rica is 600.00 per month and think, yeah that would be a hardship. She told them if you can't afford it talk to their Godparents!

I finally got frustrated and took the money out of my pocket and put it in the envelope hoping the teacher would get the hint and stop talking so we could leave. I would much rather get a note in her notebook and then just send the money, or go in and argue like hubby!

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