Thursday, February 11, 2010

Library Day

Today was library day. We had some extra time so headed over to the library for a couple of hours to hang out with B&B. The kids can hang out over there for hours and hours, just playing and making a huge mess.

It is pretty cool because they converted an old railroad car into the children's center. It is full of toys and a little kitchen, and books and puzzles. The kids have fun and enjoy the variety of toys available.

Seeing how much fun baby had made me rethink the whole first grade thing. Also the school called today looking for baby and wondering why she did not start school two days ago with the rest of the class.

I was all prepared to home school with her, but then we found out her two friends are moving to Hondurus in a couple of months and who the heck is going to be her play group? That is the extent of her play group and I am worried about her having someone to play with. I am again at wonderment at the home schoolers with one child. How in the heck do they keep the kid from going stark raving mad?

Maybe they are not so old and boring as us?

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