Saturday, November 22, 2008


"Rain rain go away and don't come back until May." That is the census of opinion these days here at the tail end of rainy season. The interesting thing is that once it rains the wind dies down a little and it gets a little bit warmer. For sure looking forward to the beach next week for birthday week.

I am hoping that I will hear from all of my boys next week for Thanksgiving or at least for my birthday. They tend to be a little bit forgetful this time of year.

It has rained all day for the last three days, letting up to a small drizzle once in awhile but all in all wet. Not to complain of course considering my boys are all snowed in. I will take the rain any day.

I have been scouring for tips for holiday savings and I will post some on Monday. Supposedly people are slowing down this holiday season and trying to give more "thoughtful" gifts. We shall see when it comes down to the 11th hour and they have not made any thoughtful gifts.

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