I was looking at my baby today and wondering how I would have felt when I was five if I got to spend my vacation watching my mom teach massage! Considering all the fun of hiding in my homemade fort I guess I would have been pretty happy.
I have not posted for a few days as our computer has been sick. Yes unfortunately our computer has a virus and is not feeling well. We are trying to get everything of value off of it before we lose it. Poor thing.
Other than that we have not had internet because, well I don't know why as we did not quite get the reason when the ICE guy came out to fix it today. All I do know is we now have a half way working computer and are back online.
We have been working with another amazing student and received rave reviews about her work, after only two weeks no less! I just love teaching people and seeing the response of the people they work on. It is very rewarding.
The fun is also getting better with our marathon training. We are up to 25 miles a week and boy am I beat, to say the least. I think in judging how I feel and look between 20 and 25 miles a week is the perfect mileage. It feels good without feeling like too much, and keeps the weight off. Another benefit I have found from upping the mileage is no migraine the past two months with the cycle. No IB profin at all, cool!
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