Monday, August 31, 2009


For thirty years we have set apart Monday evenings for a family evening. It has always been interesting, and sometimes a little sketchy. Lots of times ended in tears and yelling, but just as many ended in good feelings. Actually more have ended good than bad.

The baby loves Monday evenings. She looks forward all week to the night when she can be in charge of something. This week she helped me put together a game to play and she will tell a story. She has been so excited.

The one wish I have is that in bad or trying times my children can look back and have a good memory or two to get them through.

The other night I was talking to my 21 yr old about us going out to eat. I asked him if he remembered us ever eating out. He said no only on trips or special occasions. Of course he had to sum it up. We ate at Taco Bell and were allowed one thing from the dollar menu. And then we all shared a drink! Sadly the truth.

I have always been against refined processed food and spending money on it. This would account for the limits. That and the fact that feeding seven kids can get a little pricey. Who am I kidding it is very pricey. But we do know how to make really good healthy burritos at home and anything they can cook I can cook better.

I have been learning about GMO foods and we are going to be eating lots of fruits and vegees and homemade stuff. Of course we already do because it is just better than the food here in Costa Rica.

1 comment:

Christine said...

What a sweet post. I need to get better about feeding my family good, quality foods. I'm tempted to go out a lot. My husband works late often and my kids are so picky, so it's hard to get motivated to cook a good meal when no one but me will eat it. I know it's important though.