Friday, May 8, 2009


Well it is on to Texas for a few days. It is very humid here and feels great! I actually missed the humidity while in Arizona. The flight here was so nice. I am so used to the international travel with all it's hassles and forgot how simple it is to fly little.
I am still working on my inmate and trying to get him settled. Evidently there was a mix up and the jail people "accidently" moved him into a pod he did not want to be in. Everyone had agreed that he would spend the remainder of his time in the same pod he was in, but someone missed the memo.
The mentality in jail is such that change is very difficult and they know that. Sometimes they move people just to make their lives miserable. As if losing everything and everyone near and dear to you is not punishment enough. So when I visited him he was very agitated about being moved.
He was in lockdown and could not make phone calls or anything. For his own good of course, since he had just taken a plea. The deal is all the lawyers had agreed he would stay in what has become his home over the year he has been there.
The fact that he will be there for at least six months more is not helping. First time I've ever heard someone beg to go to prison. Anyway the facts and figures of his plea and a great picture of him are all on in archives for micah neumann. He's so freakin cute!

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