He is definately the most determined person I have ever met. When he makes up his mind about something it is set in stone. He is pretty ambitious too, so he is already up to something. Lately just working and riding his big red bike.
When he was three we bought him a little red bike with training wheels. The next day he took his daddys tools outside and took off the training wheels. Off he rode into the sunset, and fast! A couple of years ago I bought him a big red bike. He took off on that and is still riding it. He is brave to ride it in Costa Rica, but has discovered some great places to ride and some fun riding partners.
That guitar he is holding is his birthday present by the way! I certainly wish him a happy birthday and an awesome year with lots of success, and of course fun.
Hi, I came over from MMB to visit. Wow, you live in Costa Rica -- too fun! I served a Spanish speaking mission in the states and have always wanted to go south and use it! Oh, one day when my husband isn't a student anymore.
Love your blog! Have a great day!
I can't believe he is that old already. That is such a great picture. The make such a cute couple with Jake being so huge and Maleah so petite.
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