Thursday, December 31, 2009


We just took down the Christmas decorations in record time. There are some years you are just a little too anxious to see depart. This would be one of them. You would think that being an ox I would have enjoyed the past year of the ox. But I have to admit working so hard at tasks that seem to have no production gets very frustrating.

In reflecting on why I feel so exhausted by 09 I have decided it is all my mind set. I have got to be more positive. Reading over old journals did not help either. I think sometimes that I have PTss from the child bearing years of having, nursing and homeschooling kids for 15 years, with no outside input or stimulation.

At any rate I digress into the past and not just the past year. The past year was fun on one level. I had a great, very awareness promoting trip to my moms house. Note to self four weeks is too long to be away from home. I enjoyed working at massage again and realized that I still love massage and look forward to sharing it with many more students.

I also got to be at Micah's last update hearing and hear his sentence with his plea read. I also got to tell the victims family that I was sorry for their loss. I am and that was a good thing for me to be able to tell them that.

I also got to visit my brother in Texas and his girls and meet his new woman. That was fun and I am really thankful for so many brothers. I don't get to talk to them much and see them even less, but they are a great influence in my life. And they are also a great motivator.

It has been great to see my older kids start making life decisions and get the ball rolling in their direction. My oldest is a changed person, as well as his family and I have sure enjoyed watching their growth. Bekah is awesome and has completed two years of college, worked full-time and taken care of the two kiddos. Jesse finally got the web site up and is doing more art work. Jake is figuring things out, and I am thankful to have one of my boys here with me. Hannah is doing so much growing up and learning, just wish I had a box to put her in to keep it a little safer while she grows up. Baby is getting ready for kinder and learning to read, too fun.

All in all I guess it really has been a great year once I see it in writing. We have had some awesome students, hubby returned to school to finish his degree and I have a garden growing in leaps and bounds.

Man the longer I write the more thankful and happy I feel about 09, I guess there is some merit to writing things down. Now if we can all survive the year of the tiger, which is upheavel and movement, we will be thrilled. Happy New Year all!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feeling Left Out

In reference to the comment left on the last post, that maybe I eat healthy enough that I don´t need to cleanse. Well honestly usually I eat healthy enough. The holidays are the exception and I held nothing back this year. You name it fudge, peanut butter fudge, cake, pie, and of course lots of salty things.

But I am getting a little concerned that I am either so full of (//&& and so nothing is cleaning out. Like I have this image of junk cemented all along the sides of my colon. Think I have been reading too much? That or else I am doing something wrong and so I need to do more. No forget that, I will be lucky to last 7 days with this yucky stuff I have to drink.

The last time I did a 10 day juice fast I drank lots of really tasty juices and it was almost fun. This lemon, molasses, and cayenne drink gags me. That plus the wonderful quart of water and salt flush, yuck! Now I have to admit it is not as bad as the gallbladder cleanse I did. That entailed drinking apple juice for a few days and then a half a cup of olive oil with lemon juice and coke. The only problem was I forgot the coke! My sons did get a kick out of watching me gag as much down as I could. So we get hard up for entertainment what can I say?

Anyway today is day 5 and I am thinking 7 is a pretty magic number at this point. I promise myself to be good and not junk out anymore. I can´t afford to, I am getting too dang old for this cleansing for health stuff!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gross Post

If you are not into cleansing, you will not find this at all interesting. I decided it was time to do a cleanse after the holidays. I have not done a cleanse since 13 years ago, so maybe time. Then again maybe not. I felt sure I would have all kinds of crazy crap, no pun intended, cleaning out of me.

Well today is day four and I am very disappointed and ready to eat. I really don't care about eating, but if I am just cleaning out the water I am drinking I am getting frustrated. I will give it seven days and see how it goes.

Last time I did this I just consumed mass quantities of different juices and some herbal tea. After day three I had to start doing enemas to make sure you clean out while you are not eating food. This cleanse is called the master cleanse and involves drinking lemon juice, with water and maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Yeah gross. Then you do a salt water flush in the evening, which is two teaspoons of salt with a quart of water, yuck. Then of course there is the laxative tea in the evening before bed. Yeah it is fun.

The bad news like I said is no results. I have not had like worms and mucus and all the gross things I read about on the internet????? I will keep you posted on that one maybe it will get more interesting.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Another fun, successful Christmas done! The good news is the kids all loved their gifts, and there is no bad news. Oh I guess the bad news would be that I ate as much as a whole third world country the week of Christmas and am feeling it. Time to clean house and do a fun lemon juice fast for 10 days. Great way to start the Year of the Tiger and send off the Year of the Ox!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Here is a wish for a very Merry Christmas to all of my friends and family, and followers here on Hotmomsrus. We have been just partying like crazy and are about ready to all die from sugar overdoses or just plain exhaustion. But it has been a very merry Christmas season for us and I believe as Micah so aptly expressed it is not about the presents. He made the comment that sitting in jail, on Christmas he does not think or even remember any presents he ever received, just all the good times with his family. I would agree with him on this point!

As a side note, I lost a follower! That may not sound like a big deal, but hey I don't have very many! I am just trying to decide if I offended them talking about the Savior, or I offended them by saying that there are no guarantees in life. At any rate I think it all goes back to the comment left on my last post JUDGMENT!

Judgment is a funny thing. I have to make a very honest confession, I was very judgmental in my younger years. Yup, I was convinced I knew it all. I knew that no one in the world should have a T.V. in their home, I knew that everyone should homeschool their children, I knew everyone should have a temple recommend, I knew no one should allow their children do this and that. Yeah maybe even opinionated would be a better word.

But the sad truth is life has dealt me a hand that I cannot deny. I cannot look at anyone else on their path and say what in the heck is good, bad or ugly for them! I am like a recovering alcoholic, one day at a time, one problem at a time. I believe their are black and white rules called commandments. Any further than that I would say question it and check it out.

My big question of the day is, Why am I living a R rated life when I can't even watch R rated movies? I deal with jail, prison, drugs, alcohol, alcoholism, wild parties, piercings, tatoos, oh the list just goes on and on. And you know what? I still love these R rated kids of mine like the day they were born! I can surely see why the Savior died for us. He loved us, even in our sins and mistakes. Because you know what? He knew they were just that "mistakes". And he never gave up on us and he continues to love and extend that love to us every day and every minute.

That is why I celebrate Christmas and do it with all my crazy family!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Things I Was Not Supposed to Have to Do.....

As a Mormon mom I just assumed there were things I would never have to do. Like for some reason I thought my kids would be smarter than other kids and not make the same stupid mistakes and therefore I would not have to do certain things.

There are not any guarantees in this life. In other words just because you have FHE every single week, and read your scriptures every single day as a family, and pray together twice a day or more, still there are no guarantees!

Your family will still be tried, tempted and thrown to the wolves. The best news though? Jesus died for us and we can repent. When I think about that I just shake my head and know there is hope for all of us, not just wayward children, but all of us. Their mistakes are much more evident but they don't necessarily make any more than the rest of us, just more visible.

In the meantime I will be thankful for them and keep on praying!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visiting Teaching

For church we are each assigned two or three ladies from church to visit and keep an eye out for. It is a great system, when it works. I read an article on a blog about how Mormons are great at circling their wagons. That is the truth and that is the purpose behind visiting teaching. If you visit these sisters you know when something is not going well and they need help. A new baby, sick kids, family tragedies and sometimes just a bit of depression or something like that is great reasons for wagons to circle.

I have had the wagons circle for our family and will be forever grateful for those who helped. After baby six I had an abdominal catastrophe that called for two weeks in the hospital after baby, and about four weeks of bed rest. The ladies from church, as well as friends from the Post Office brought in meals for six weeks. That is a long time to get people to cook for a family of eight! They were awesome meals too.

This month I was determined to visit the three women assigned to me and a friend. She speaks a little English and they speak none, nada! I spent the last three days baking bread and cookies and fudge to pack up for them. I sent my daughter with the goodies and let her explain to them, her Spanish is much better than mine.

One of the ladies sent home a gift for our family. A little loaf of fruit cake, drenched in rum. Yup that's right a rum cake to our Mormon family from their Mormon family LOL!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009


These two give new definition to the words Best Friends Forever! They even take care of each other in their sleep. Breyssi had slept over for Maleahs' graduation and she had a bit of a cough. Every time she would cough Maleah would reach over pat her back and tell her it was o.k. This was how they looked in the morning after a long night.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kinder Graduation

And did I mention that Ticos love to celebrate any and everything? And that they can drag said celebration on for hours at a time? For example look at babies kinder graduation, yes kinder. Be there at nine thirty sharp. Oh yeah and then wait 45 minutes to get in. Not to mention waiting in the very hot sun. Oh sorry all of you being buried in snow and freezing to death up north.

After finally being let in we wait another thirty minutes for all the kids to line up. Then they come out two by two and have their names read while they parade up the aisle. I had to laugh because I did not think baby would hold a boys hand and I was right, she came out first with the teacher between them. The guy reading the names read her two very simple names and added the little boy with her first name, poor girl just did not have enough names.

Finally after two and a half hours we were done with the big day and off to the ice cream store for a ice cream to celebrate the happy day. Of course tonight is the sleep over with niece to watch Frosty, eat popcorn and hot chocolate.

The worst thing about the whole deal was I was ready to cry the whole darn time! For those of you who know my older children you will understand why I weep to see babies grow up.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chinese Princess

Today was the Fantasia party at school to celebrate the last day of school. Tomorrow is the graduation. Hard to believe my baby is graduating. Can't decide on Harvard, Yale or MIT, hmmmm? Baby decided she wanted to dress up like Mulon, a Chinese Princess. That made mom very happy since I did not have to come up with a new costume. I must say she looks very princess like.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Give Peace a Chance

The votes are in on sanctions against Iran. There were only 12 votes against sanctions:
Here is the honor roll who voted against:
Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
John Conyers (D-MI)
John Duncan (R-TN)
Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
Stephen Lynch (D-MA)
Jim McDermott (D-WA)
Gwen Moore (D-WI)
Ron Paul (R-TX)
Pete Stark (D-CA)

Yeah for Jeff Flake from Arizona! They have proven over and over again that sanctions only effect the poor and needy people in a country. The thinking is that these people will put pressure on their government to do whatever is being required. Unfortunately as has been proven again and again, the governments don't really give a flip about the poor and needy therefore they are the only ones who suffer from these sanctions. What a shame.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gingerbread Houses (with sick girlies)

The little artists hard at work.

They weren't feeling good, but still enjoyed making their houses. Even if they fell!

Next time use the melted white chocolate like it instructs rather than the frosting.

Once we told Breyssi they could eat them once they were done she started piling on the candy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wendys, are you freakin kidding me?

Today was the day to get the Christmas shopping done. Got it all done in one fell swoop at the Universal store, think Walmart. We actually had to go check out the new Wendys that just opened before shopping. Hubby commented, "I guess there is no reason to return to the states now, they have it all here in Costa Rica." I guess that lengthens our five year plan a little bit.

It is a little strange to go Christmas shopping in shorts and a t-shirt, not complaining just totally enjoying. Tomorrow is graham cracker gingerbread house day. We are trying to get the kids well and enjoy the holiday season. For sure have to fit in a pool day this week as the weather has been perfect.

The fireworks have begun and will continue until after New Years. Every night and tons on the weekends. I think we will go for a few this year, just an excuse to let the pyro in all of us out for a little bit.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Join Me For A Run in Costa Rica

This is the first street I begin running on. It is around the corner from our house. the people on the left actually have horses and chickens in their yard that Benji gets a kick out of watching.

This is the main road going into San Rafael. You can see the beautiful mountains in the background of Monte de la Cruz.

I had to get a picture of public enemy numero uno on this street. Yes it is in fact the bus. They get extra points if they take out Gringos. On the left is the internet cafe we used to spend many hours at until we got internet at home.

It does not look like it but this is one of the toughest hills we climb. I think just because it is so soon into the run. At any rate it is also a very narrow road making for some fancy footwork at times.

Ah, fan club alley. Here in front of the ferreteria, or hardware store is where all the toothless old guys hang out all day. It just makes their day when we run by and they get a little eye candy to make the day a little brighter. We did make a decision early on that all fans would be kept at arms length!!!

This is the road to Getsemene. We lived up there for the first ten months after we moved to Costa Rica. It is beautiful, but man the hill is a killer.

On your left is the best place to stop for Power Aid. We made it a point to stop here when we do the loop more than twice. Gotta refuel on something that long. This particular loop is over five miles by the way.

This is our "resting place".

This would be for sure the hardest road of all times to try and cross safely, without peeing all over yourself and trying not to get hit, all at the same time.

They just about got away from me, but there were some mighty fine looking cyclists, on some mighty fine bikes up ahead. They were just lots faster than me.

Here we circle up around the back of our neighborhood, and it is sorely tempting at this point to call it good and head home. But no we do not we persevere.

This is heartbreak hill. Or just we try and get up it as gracefully as possible without dying. Or just walk.

At this particular blind curve Bekah saw her life flash before her eyes. That is what happens when a car comes squealing around the corner and realizes him, you and the car coming from the other direction are not all going to fit on the road. Guess who gets voted off? I dove she just kept going and lived to see another day.

Could not pass up this shot of the view off to the right. I think this is what Rebekah was watching, because she sure was not watching for cars.

By looking at this pothole you may get a good idea of why the cars cannot decide whether to hit us or hit the hole, hard one.

This shot of the view from this road is just a great way to explain why we risk life and limb to run here, beautiful.

Here we are in the "guarded neighborhood". See the guy in the blue shirt sitting on the bench chatting with the neighbor and reading the paper? Yeah that is the guard, good thing they pay him to watch their houses ha?

No I don't think this road was blown up by a land mine. I do think last January's earthquake did lots of damage on our roads though. The good news? No traffic on this road.

On the last curve it is a little scary to guess if me, and both cars are going to fit on the road at the same time.

Friday, December 11, 2009


As I was running this morning I could not help but be very happy with all the beautiful weather and green around me. There was a light breeze, about 78 degrees and just absolutely beautiful out. I needed that just as I need my run every morning to keep me a sane mommy. How can any mother do it without exercise? Just getting out breathing hard, sweating and jammin down to my mp3 player, makes my day.

I keep saying I am going to do it and by golly maybe tomorrow is the day to go out and take some shots of my running route. I am just too lazy to carry the little half pound camera with me. I don't know why, I carried one on a belt for a whole marathon when we did cowtown marathon.

So stay tuned tomorrow for photos of a beautiful day for a beautiful run in Costa Rica.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Lips Just Hurt Really Bad

Ever had a fever blister? If not I feel very happy for you and hope you have a life free of them! They are awful, especially when your whole bottom lip and part of the top lip are covered with them. Man oh man do my lips hurt. I don't even think the beautiful weekend at the beach was worth it, and that is saying a lot for me because I love the beach.

I am seeing more and more the merits of a really big hat and a very big umbrella. Going to have to happen before my lips fall off. I have gone through five tubes of Carmex and only have a little bit of one left. I just hope I get to keep my lips for all of my life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Peeping Tom or Ben

Today was coffee scrub day in school. It was great and we will sure keep that one. The funniest part was when I happened to glance down and this is what I saw! Sure enough Benjamin was peeking under the screen watching Aunt Hannah get her coffee scrub. Of course the fact that there were four women in bikinis rubbing coffee all over each other must have just been too much for him to resist!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Storms Back Home

Flagstaff is getting slammed! They are up to 20" and counting. Times like these I am really thankful for my sunburn and broken out lips here in Costa Rica. Went on a nice warm run this morning in shorts and tank and had a great day in school.

Tomorrow we will be doing coffee scrubs in lieu of salt glows since our student has already had salt glows and never had coffee scrubs. And in Costa Rica you should certainly be doing a coffee scrub.

We don't drink coffee, but supposedly it is great for your circulation, and even gets rid of cellulite, we will see tomorrow. I invited Bekah over to try it out with us, the more the merrier and that way we can have more people to check it out on.

Off to fight the mosquitoes and try to get some sleep.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beach Time

Happy days at the beach. Once again we had a great trip to Manuel Antonio to take our student and do some practice massages. It was a fun trip and it made her very happy she is about done and gets to go surf for a few days before heading home to work.

I was laying on the massage table on Friday while our student practiced on me, listening to the waves and the girls playing, and the thought came to me,"I have the best job in the whole world". I really don't think anyone could beat that for a hard day at work.

As the weather gets worse in the States it gets better in Costa Rica and we are very happy. It makes all the things we do without, or all the hassles we experience here worth it every winter.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Woo hoo we got to drive around in a real live car today! The bad news is after riding in the downtown traffic to Escazu to visit the big mall, and driving home, I have had enough driving to last me a couple of years.

The roads in Costa Rica are barely wide enough for two cars, and the people try to drive three wide on them so it is crazy. I never realize how crazy the folks here drive when I am on the bus or in Taxis since I am not the one worrying about getting hit.

When we moved here we made a decision not to have a car. Some days that turns out to be a big fat mistake. But I have to admit most days I love not having the headache of breakdowns, tires, oil changes, etc to deal with.

When we want to go someplace we just call a Taxi and away we go. Now we have to babysit our car for the next few days and make sure it is kept safe and does not get ripped off or damaged. The joys of wheels!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Birthday Bash

I love birthdays! I keep wondering when I will quit liking my birthdays so much, but so far for the last 48 they just keep getting better and better. I got great gifts this year, that were much needed,(except maybe the pipe, which will be awhile). The rest were much needed.

My family put together a great feast of mexican food as well as a wonderfully sinful earthquake cake. I felt like the python that ate the pig before the night was over to be sure.

The only bad part of the whole night was that my son who is 21 and should know better, beat me at scrabble! He should know that you don't beat people at their favorite game, especially on their birthday. Ah I guess I will survive. I am trying to get him to do a rematch and he refuses until next year

I guess I better explain the picture. It just happens to be the only picture taken on the big day, but was a joke. Because I have dreadlocks people always assume that I must smoke pot. I do not smoke pot! I have dreads because Micah always wanted them, can't have them so I am his proxy for the dreads. Once he is free and can get his own mine may or may not come off.

I will do a different post on the true history of dreads and why the rastafarians are actually mistaken about where and why they came about. Anyhoo as a joke one of my comedian kids decided it would be funny to buy this little pipe and give it to me on my birthday! I have to admit I was shocked and they got that on video, but this pic says it all, pretty funny!