Monday, March 9, 2009


This is the track that I run on most days. Some days I hit the streets, but usually, just because I can track my distance I run on this here track. The school is right across the street so easy peasy to drop off the baby and go for my run. She has to be there at seven am on Mon, Wed, and Fri. so that allows me time to run about an hour before I have to be to the school to teach.
Rebekah and I have decided on two marathons in the near future to train for. The first one is in Punteranas and looks pretty hilly. The sad part is it is only a few weeks away. We will have to really hit it to be ready. That one will be our training race.
The biggy is in August. There is acutally prize money for that race. Now here is the good part. Last year there was no one in my age group, that makes me a shoe in right? Like I always say, pick your races. That one is in Tamarindo and will probably be pretty warm. We are used to our cooler climate here in the mountains so the change will be a little rough.
So today I ran four miles and will do the same tomorrow. Then we have a 5k at race pace, which for me is the same pace that I always run, slow. I only have one speed unfortunately. Then of course on Sat. will be our long fun of seven miles. I am ready to do this again and excited to finally find something to train for. Now we just have to figure out where to register and when and we will be all set.

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