Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My poor grand daughter is sick. Her daddy took her to the clinic today and she had to have not one but four shots! They wanted to give her penicillen, which I did not even know they still used, and they wanted to check her first to make sure she had no allergies to it. So they gave her two shots in one arm and had her wait thirty minutes. After that they gave her another dose in the other arm and waited another thirty minutes. At this point they decided it was safe and brought her in for the last shot of antiobiotics in her butt.
Now anyone with a four year old can imagine her horror and fear by this point. And of course my daughter is trying to comfort her and convince her that it is not going to hurt. Yeah right mom if it hurt in my arm it is really going to hurt in my butt. And she was right, and she screamed and fought like crazy.
So by the time she got to Grandmas house she was wiped out and just down right pissed off. The cure? Cookies of course. As you can see the cookies did not quite make it to her, but they did help her mom who was pretty wiped out and stressed out herself!

While Dad took the baby girl to the clinic we kept baby boy. Here is his auntie taking care of her. Not sure why the crown, makes her feel like the boss I suspect! Considering the fact that he weighs almost as much as her, it is funny to see her baby him so much. And he loves it by the way.
The fun part was taking him to massage class. He was watching Grandpa do massage and laughing. He thought is was great fun just to watch.
About the time the milk man showed up with our milk and I went to put it in the fridge, I realized our fridge was not working AGAIN! This is the third time in four months that our fridge has gone out on us. AUghghghghgh!
The next straw was my sons hearing that got forwarded for the sixth time! That of course is another story for another blog, but was sure disappointing for all involved.
The final straw? Having to send my hubby to a neighborhood meeting about how to keep the thieves from robbing us and our kids in our neighborhood! That just makes me angry. These bullies actually gang up on the innocent and steal their money, food, and even their clothes. They even roughed up a couple of teenage girls.
Hubby said the cops were there and just tried to blame the fact they were not on top of things on everyone and everything else. They even said that compared to San Jose we live in a very safe neighborhood. I don't really see how 10 armed robberies in 15 days could be considered safe by any definition of the word.
When the teenage girls who were robbed spoke up they said they called the police and they never showed up ! Like never! The cops said if no one shows up try the police station in Santo Domingo, the neighboring town! How do you like that?
As I said the day from double toothpicks! The good news? I am getting a rolfing treatment on my low back tomorrow and maybe it will help! That would erase all the bad news of today and make me very happy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

What a rough week!! My goodness! I'm allergic to penicillin! I wish they did all that stuff to me first... haha, NOT! I' mnto sure what my reaction is but I just know I can't take it. I'm so sorry abotu your fridge and stolen stuff, man, I'll pray things get better SOON!