I have always had very unmanigable hair. I take that back, from the time I went through puberty I have had unmanageable hair. when Rick and I were dating he tried to "style" my hair one time. He quickly learned that it was impossible.
Well low and behold I have finally found a hair style that works for me. DREADLOCKS!
I met a girl about two years ago with dreads and I really liked them. Then Micah kept talking about getting them and I told hiim he was crazy because you can't wash them.
Once I finally did the research and found that yes you could wash them, and basically all you did was quit combing your hair I was sold. I never really combed my hair anyway because it did not good.
My biggest fan is Breyssi, because now Grandma has hair like hers, Loca!
Well, of course you look fabulous!!!
A friend of mine did that and she alsways had the cutest head wraps. Rock on! And thanks for the dinner idea.
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