Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tomorrow is Earth Day at school for Maleah. It seems funny to me that they plant trees and flowers here in Costa Rica where so many grow wild. We have a pepper plant by the front of our house growing out of the concrete! We have even transplanted it but it just keeps growing again and again.
That seems to be the most successful thing we have grown so far. Hubby just keeps growing peppers because we can grow them. He hates spicey food and so does his stomach, but by golly he keeps growing those peppers and giving them away.
I tried to cook with a couple of them one week just because I love spicey. He had cold cereal.
Anyway so the kids will be cleaning up and planting plants tomorrow at school to celebrate Earth Day. I hope so anyway, it could be moon day and they are all supposed to bring cut out moons for all the luck I have been having translating notes sent home :)

1 comment:

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