Wednesday, January 21, 2009


O.K. I call uncle! We are freezing out here. Our school room has been so cold the past two days we had to wear sweaters. That really is rough. Today we moved up closer to the office so that it would be warmer. We even had to get the table warmer out for petes sake. The person on the table was toasty warm, the one giving was the one freezing. I told them they are now prepared to work at any race or event.

We have decided to open a new camp starting this summer. It will be a weight loss camp for kids. My daughter is really excited. Both of my daughters lost lots of weight when we moved here to Costa Rica so now are excited to share that with others. You can read more about it on our hotmomsrus-health site.

We will have a three day weekend this week as Hannah is preparing for girls camp tomorrow. She will be gone three days and is not at all excited. The only part she is excited about is the fact that the boys are already there and will be there for games and fun all day tomorrow and will be staying for a dance in the evening.

The whole camping thing kind of escaped her. Our other kids loved camping and have fond, if somewhat humorous memories of our many campouts. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger was kind of our motto when it came to our campouts and hikes.

1 comment:

Gombojav Tribe said...

Sorry to hear that you're so cold! Here in So. California we have been "enjoying" 80F days. I say "enjoying" because I really could use more winter!

I miss Mongolia!

Thanks for stopping by my blog recently! God bless!