Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I think I may have failed the parent test for good this time! It began by being late for my daughters first day of school. Yesterday I almost forgot to pick her up on time! For some reason I got it in my mind that she got done a half hour later than she did. About ten minutes until three it hit me that she gets done at three not three thirty. I ran all the way to the school and made it in time to pick her up without a glich.

Today takes the cake though. She is in the fuscia class. That means that they have to buy two folders, with pinchers in the right side,a small notebook and wrap them in fuscia wrapping paper
then laminate them.

Now take a look at these folders and tell me you really thought my five year did them! I would think that too if I had not been on the other end of trying to wrap a freakin folder in wrapping paper, and laminating it! Have you ever messed with that stuff? They love it here and put it on everything.

So now everyday when my daughter comes home from school she brings her notebook with any notes or reminders from school glued into the pages. Then mom gets to spend about an hour figuring out what it says and fullfilling the assignment.

By the way if you are thinking it is just a language barrier, I did see two parents folders "rejected" today! I am obviously not the only learning impaired parent there, just the oldest and only one with blue eyes. I am not even kidding about that part either.
The cutest part of it was when I was getting Maleahs birth certificate to take for copies at school. She said "oh mom don't tell them I'm Cheena!" I guess she has not looked in the mirror for a while :)


Mrs. O said...

I think your shave with death trumps 'em all. Wow! Thanks for stopping by.

Costa Rica Baby! said...

The parent test...that is so funny.
You did quite a creative job. In the states would be also be expected to provide {scrapbook} stickers and fancy cut edges. :)

The blog looks great! I love reading your articles.