Sorry if you were misled. I am not a "hotmom" I am a "hotmom" as in a pissed off mom. Join me on a journey from "super religious" mom to "anarchist" mom.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
15 KIDS!!!!!
I don't really question the mom, hey I love babies too. The only reason we don't have more is because the old man said enough, uncle, I give! Otherwise I would have had at least 10. Here is the difference though, I have a hubby and a way to support my children.
I think when docs start playing Gods we are going to have some problems. Here is a perfect example. Was it really ethical what he did? What kind of burden is society going to have to bear for his ethics, or lack of such? Like I said I am all for having babies, as long as they can be cared for, preferably by a mother, father and job.
When we teach our massage school classes we are required to teach at least 8 hours of ethics. I think they have much more lax requirements for med school.
Friday, January 30, 2009
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff
Costarricense de Seguro Social, which includes the national medical plan.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What in any persons mind would make them think that they could save the economy by spending more money? My five year could figure out that does not work and all she knows about math is how to add and subtract. As I have mentioned before we had our economic meltdown about two years before the rest of the world. We figured out that we could not spend, save or even pray our way out of it. We sold everything and left the country to try and regroup and refresh.
Now looking at the U.S. it is like watching a bad car wreck. Like I really don't want to look and check out the latest bad news, but I can't resist checking the news. I talk to my kids in the U.S. daily, but they do not want to talk about the economy. My three boys all have jobs and plan on holding on to them for dear life. Two of them had quit jobs a few months ago, once they found these ones they decided they would not be quitting any jobs for awhile.
I guess the good news is one of my sons is guarenteed three hots and a cot for the next couple of years. Of course there are other worries for him, another post for another day.
Rest assured that there are lots of expats all over the world watching and praying for all the folks on the front lines of the battle happening over there.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
When I think back on my massage tests I can certainly relate to the nerves and plain ole concentration it takes to do all these body things at the same time. It takes a lot in the begining to think about your body mechanics, your lotion or oil usage, making sure the client is warm enough and comfortable, and making sure you don't do or say anything stupid. It can be very overwhelming to begin with.
I did two massages this week and it is kind of like riding a bike at this stage in the game. I do believe I could do it with my eyes closed for sure. You just might want to make sure you wear underwear though if I do it this way so I don't flash you to the whole world :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
We will go shop this afternoon to pick out his book. He loves books as evidenced by the books and bookshelves all over our house. We have three bookshelves, overflowing I might add. I belive he has already talked to my son-in-law about a new one.
It's a good thing books are so expensive here or we would probably have even more.
"Almost 50% of children age 8-16 watch 3-5 hrs of T.V a day. These kids who watch the most hours of T.V. have the highest incidence of obesity. (word on health, "Childhood obesity on the Rise" Torgan Carol )
These are getting to be pretty tough odds for us parent to beat! I believe the key to keeping our kids healthy and happy is to teach them healthy lifestyles. It is pretty simple actually, be an example and be fun! I say this as I pass out doughnuts to my kids and class for Ricks birthday.
As I was saying it is not really that difficult. Seeing as we do not have a car we have to walk everywhere, or take taxis or busses. So if you get to jonesin for a hamburger you have to really work for that dude. We would take the bus downtown. Then walk the half mile to the McDonalds. Then we would eat and walk back up the big hill to catch a bus or taxi home.
Of course there is the delivery guy. My husband does not like him because the food gets cold before he gets up the mountain on his scooter. It looks like we will just have to make our own burgers, and enjoy being healthier because of it.
Monday, January 26, 2009
This year will be the year of the Ox, oh yeah! Obama is not the only Ox around you know. There a few more of us worker Oxes around trying to keep the world alive and kicking. It looks to be a good year for the Ox in general, and especially financially woo hoo! Thousands of years of Chinese astrology can't be too wrong can it?
We do want to wish one and all a great Chinese New Year and best wishes for a good hard working Ox year to all. You know hard work is like the trade mark of the Ox which would explain why Obama keeps suggesting all of us should just work a little harder :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm still not sure if camp was fun or not, have not really gotten a straight answer. I do know she was very proud of the fact that she did not shower for three days! That is for sure a record and hopefully one she will not repeat for awhile.
When I went to camp at her age I worked very hard. We had a whole list of skills we had to learn, especially in regards to first aid. I can remember memorizing tons of stuff for first aid tests we had to take and pass or we would not advance to the next year.
I guess one group of girls went home after the first night because they were convinced they had hypothermia. It was 40 degrees! They are a little pampered here admittedly. You do have to remember it is summer so that was a little unexpected as well as unwelcome.
He dad had a great surprise waiting for her when she got home, a Michael Phelps calandar! She has been bugging him for one since the olympics so he surprised her with one. Her sister was very happy to see her. Every day she asked how many more days until her sister was going to be home? I can only hope it was a character building experience and that she will be a better person because of it.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ever had one of "those days?" Today was definately one of those days for me. I was totally looking forward to doing a long run with my daughter and woke up really early, not being able to go back to sleep aaugh!
Finally got to her house and she took me on the long run from you know where. We went over hill an dale, "oh yeah mom, I forgot there were so many hills".
She does like to school me once in awhile when I get too cocky or something. Just likes to put me in my old place and make sure I know who is the younger of us. It was actually fun, except for the getting lost part! A really beautiful Costa Rica day which was great, at least it was not raining also.
I spent the day out after waiting by the phone all day yesterday for word from my sons lawyer. We have been awaiting word from the prosecuters office for almost a month and in the mean time my son has decided he wants to go to trial. I guess we had best buckle our seat belts and get ready for another ride.
I am just very thankful for being able to talk to him often and keep up with him. I sent him a card yesterday with the above pic of his little sister. Those are his favorites pics, the ones with his sisters. The Post office has a place you can go to create a letter, or card with your own pictures, and write it up, and they deliver it. It is awesome I can write to him once a week and he will actually get it in about three days. Now isn't that a miracle? I love technology!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The first student that studied with us did so in Arizona before we even left. He was headed to Myopractic school and need some massage training before he could go on to specialize. The next student we had was on her way to Naturapathic training and we put together her required massage classes for her to certify her with her school in New Zealand. She is still in the process of taking classes from us every year to keep up.
Our next student needed a program that we could put together for her and work around her work schedule at the beach, two hours from us. That was about the same time the governing board decided that we could provide half of the hours online. So we were able to do her book work online and she would come for three days at a time for her massage hands on work.
We thought this class would be a normal class. No way. It turns out one of the student has had advanced studies in Anatomy and Physiology so we have allowed him to turn up on Monday and get his assignments and come back on Friday for his test. Of course he still has to come in the afternoon for his massage classes and to work his time in the clinic.
I guess that is the beauty of being flexible and willing to work with the students, which we do pride ourselves on :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
We have decided to open a new camp starting this summer. It will be a weight loss camp for kids. My daughter is really excited. Both of my daughters lost lots of weight when we moved here to Costa Rica so now are excited to share that with others. You can read more about it on our hotmomsrus-health site.
We will have a three day weekend this week as Hannah is preparing for girls camp tomorrow. She will be gone three days and is not at all excited. The only part she is excited about is the fact that the boys are already there and will be there for games and fun all day tomorrow and will be staying for a dance in the evening.
The whole camping thing kind of escaped her. Our other kids loved camping and have fond, if somewhat humorous memories of our many campouts. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger was kind of our motto when it came to our campouts and hikes.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
For the first year or so all our daughter would eat was fruit and yogurt and formula. She has branched out now and eats noodles and chicken, but that is about all she has added to her choices.
Here the watermelon is great year around and she continues to love the stuff. She and her dad will eat it at least once a day. We order it from our organic fruit guy and it is soooo sweet and juicy.
Just one of the things I am thankful for living in Costa Rica! Fresh organic fruit in season all year around, yummy!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Today is a national holiday for all the U.S. We thought of taking the day off but decided it would be hard to rationalize. Rick worked for the Post Office for so long it is hard to recondition our thinking to the fact that we do not get at least one day off a month!
We took this picture when we went to visit our son in Oct. so you can ignore the Sheriffs Office logo in the background :) It just goes to show how patriotic we are as a family.
There seems to be a myth around these days that expats are a bit soured so to speak on the U.S. That really is not true. In fact I have met more true patriots here than I usually meet in my travels in the U.S.. We have a big 4th of July celebration that is very well attended. They have the marines come from the Embassy to do the flag raising and it makes us all teary eyed.
As we all look forward to the inaugaration tomorrow of a new President our prayers are with him. I really don't care what color he is, or anything else about him for that matter. What I care about is will he get our country out of the mess it is in? All I can hope for is if we all pray and send really good juju vibes to him maybe he can do something to improve the situation.
I love America and we spend much of our time there still, even though we live here in Costa Rica most of the time. We have kids and grandkids there and would love to see things go easier for them. In the present situation we despair of our children ever even buying a house or being able to put our grandkids in college.
One thing that Obama says that I really like is that only sacrifice and hard work are going to get us out of the present situation. What I really hope for is that it is not only the working class he is talking to but the country total!
Just my dos colones from an expat that truly loves America!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The good thing is that my husband is a Fung Shui guy and can tell me exactly where on the poster to put everything to get the best bang for my buck, or success for my pic. I am already gathering pics and ideas of things that I want to have on my board.
Most of the ideas I have taken off my list of 100. This would be akin to a "bucket list". All the things I want to do, be, and have from my life. I made one about 10 years ago and am still whittling, changing and rearranging that one.
After making a new one, combined with my old one I will take as much off of there as I can to fit onto my board. Like I said before my biggest problem is that I want sooo much out of life. I had my "near death" experience when I was 32 and have been going pretty much full steam since then to check things off my list.
Come to think of it maybe I better slow down. What happens when the list is done?
Friday, January 16, 2009
60 Asians
14 Africans
12 Europeans
8 people from Central and South America, Mexico and Caribbean,
5 from the USA and Canada, and
1 person from Australia or New Zealand
The people of the village would have considerable difficulty communicating:
14 people would speak Mandarin
8 people would speak Hindu/Urdu
8 would speak English
7 would speak Spanish
4 would speak Russian and
4 would speak Arabic
In the village there would be:
33 Christians
22 Muslims
15 Hindus
14 Nonreligious, Agnostics or Atheists
6 Buddhists and
10 people to represent Sixty remaining world religions
In this 100-person community:
80 would live in substandard housing
67 adults live in the village; half of them would be illiterate
50 would suffer from malnutrition
33 would not have access to clean, safe drinking water
24 people would not have any electricity
Of the 76 that do have electricity, most would use it for light at nighttime only
In the village would be 42 radios, 24 televisions, 14 telephones and 7 computers
(and some villagers would represent owning multiple of each one)
7 people would own an automobile (again, some of these people represent owning more than one)
5 people would posses 32% of the entire village’s wealth, and these would all be from the United States
The poorest 1/3 of the people would receive only 3% of the income of the village
The following is also something to ponder:
If you woke up this morning healthy, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week
If you never experienced the danger of battle, the fear and loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pain of starvation, you are better off than 500 million people in the world
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are more comfortable than 75% of the people in the world
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among he top 8% of the world’s wealthy
If you can read this, you are more blessed than over 2 Billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, it becomes both evident and vital that education, acceptance and compassion are essential for the progress for humankind.
This article was on "Loose Change it is always good for this kind of info. It sure makes me appreciate what I have for sure.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Five more earthquakes hit Costa Rica last night and in the early morning hours. All occurred in the same general area as the massive 6.2 last Thursday. The biggest was 4.3, not a biggie, but enough to strike great fear into the people of that already badly affected area.
Poas Volcano
If that were not enough, the Poas volcano had a small eruption this morning. Thursday’s earthquake was centered only a few miles from the volcano, normally dormant. Should Poas become active once more, the implications are truly scary for the thousands who live nearby.
The town of Cinchona de Sarapiquí, Heredia has apparently simply been removed from the map of Costa Rica. The La Paz waterfalls are totally rearranged. Also gone is the San Rafael waterfall.
The river Sarapiqui has been badly damaged and is running thick with mud and dead fish. This too was a very popular attraction for those tourists who wanted some great white water rafting.
The Environment
A disaster in and of itself. The damage done to the environment in the affected area is enormous and affects not only the wildlife and the natural beauty of the area, it will have a profound affect on eco-tourism.
The earthquake has altered the biological corridor San Juan-La Selva, placing important wildlife at risk. This includes mammals, birds and reptiles. Creatures such as jaguars, lapas, tapir and monkeys are just some of the animals that will feel the effect of the earthquake.
Giselle Monge, director of the School of Environmental Sciences, National University, feels that it will take at least a decade to recover the original ecological balance in the area around Vara Blanca Poás and other sites belonging to San Juan-La Selva biological corridor. A biological corridor is a geographic area that ensures the maintenance of species diversity and ecological and evolutionary processes, facilitating conservation. The collapse of the mountain certainly caused total destruction of the habitat for some species. The Biological Corridor San Juan-La Selva is known for its large quantity of almond trees which provide habitat for the Great Green Macaw. The extensive wetlands are also considered critical to the survival of the manatee.
With the arrival of the rainy season around May-June, the now unprotected mountainsides will collapse. Soil will become saturated and unstable.
Experts are also predicting a change in the flow of rivers which certainly will affect the habitat of some species of reptiles, animals and plants growing alongside the rivers.
And although I know this pales compared to the rest, the Angel (foods) factory near La Paz has been nearly destroyed affecting a lot of workers. It also points out that even though many people survived, there is no work in the area.
Latest Numbers:
16 dead
22 missing
1,058 people in CAJA hospitals
128,135 directly affected
2,300 homeless
100 injured
Estimated damage: $100 million
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
As my teen quickly approaches 15 this month I am starting to sweat and get the shivers. I think of all the experiences I have had with my 15 year olds and I think I do not want to do this again. Is there any way I can opt out of this phase? Maybe just put her in a barrel and feed her through a hole in the side, then let her out when she turns 18. That was Mark Twains idea by the way not mine!
My most vivid memory of 15 was with the above charmingly handsome big brother. Favorite brother by the way. It did not start out that way though. He was always the one that said he should have been an only child. Come to think of it that is what all 7 of them have thought.
When I decided I wanted another baby and adoption was the only option for us he threw a real hissy fit. He refused to even talk about it. Well it came time for the social worker to come over to the house and do the home study. If any of you have had that pleasure you can relate to the stress involved.
I asked Jake nicely to please put down his mohawk and tell the lady when she asked that yes he wanted a little sister. I have to say he drove a very hard bargain. One skateboard later he was very proudly saying that yes he wanted a baby sister.
When we returned home from China he would not even look at her or have anything to do with her, for about three days that is. About the third day we went to Taco Bell for some food. We were standing in line and I had to pay. I told Jake to hold the baby while I paid, he held her out in front of him like she was the baby from Monsters Inc. and went to sit down.
After I sat down she was standing by me holding on. He leaned over and said boo! to her very loudly. She did not even bat and eye and turned back to him and said boo! just as loud. He grabbed her up in his arms and is her favorite brother to this day. They were pretty much inseperable when we lived close. She still composes great letters to him and talks to him on the phone about 3 times a week.
I guess looking back on that story I can take courage and know that this too shall pass and after a few years we will be friends and be able to laugh about all the memories we are making. That is what life is all about after all.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
He got really lucky and is staying with our homestay coordinator. She is an awesome cook, and just fun person. I did warn him that he would probably gain weight living with her. He got in last night and she had all his laundry done by this morning and made him a great breakfast.
Our classes begin Monday and he and our other student are very excited. It took Hannah a few days to decide she really wanted to attend massage school, but I think once she thought about the money she could make it convinced her to go for it. She told our other student today that she plans on financing her professional singing career startup fees with massage. That is thinkin.
My co director will miss the first day of class, but I'm sure he is enjoying his time in the U.S. We miss him and look forward to seeing him in a few days. So far he has managed to hire out about half of his teaching time, so I have a feeling he is planning on replacing himself as teacher.
It is all good, and the weather is beautiful so we are ready to go into summer here. Now if the wind would just die down I would be ecstatic.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Yesterday I had the idea to have Rick get a buddy pass from my brother the pilot so that he could go to a seminar for his business, Liberty League. I felt bad that he has ended up spending about 20 hrs. in airports the past two days.
The best part of course was the earthquake while being at the airport, but that just kind of broke up the monotony for him. I still thought it would of been great since he was at the counter being told he could not get a seat when it hit if he had acted like he was putting a voodoo spell on them or something, would of been a scream.
At any rate after two days he is half way there and if he makes it will be late for his seminar. Oh well live an learn. In the meantime I am trying to get our student here from Guatamala. He has been there studying spanish and was bussing it here for classes to begin on Monday. When I talked to him I asked him to tell the bus driver to drop him off at the airport instead of taking him all the way into the city.
He told the bus driver that as they left Nicaragua and the bus driver dropped him in Liberia, which is about 4 hrs. from us. In all fairness there is a small airport there also. He called us and said he was there and would take a taxi to the school. We told him yeah for 200.00 he would. About 8 hours later he finally arrived on what he called the slowest bus on the planet. Poor guy!
Needless to say I have been fired as the transporter and we will just hire my son-in-law to do this job. He is the hero who went and fetched everyone anyway.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
We grabbed the little girls and ducked into the doorways. After a couple of minutes I remembered my son in law out on the porch cutting wood for a bookshelf. Thank goodness he was not sawing at the moment that it hit. He said the neighbor came out of his house freaking out.
We turned on the news and watched them dealing with the after shocks. They were trying to be really cool and finally the guy just got up and left the set. It was pretty funny. My husband was checking in at the airport and complete bedlum broke out there. They all started screaming and running. The airport security were just trying to calm everyone down. Rick was just watching it all and was amazed how much people freaked out. It was his first earthquake and I think he was getting into it!
At any rate we did get on the internet and research what to do before, during, and after an earthquake. We will be ready for the next one. We had one yesterday that not as big and then this big one today, hope it does not get bigger tomorrow. They did determine the epicenter was 6k from the volcano up the hill from us, cool really cool.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
This quote really gets me motivated and thinking about my life. Am I really doing what I want to do? Am I really "singing the song" I was sent here to sing? Maybe it is just my age, or maybe it is just hormones talking but these are definately questions that bear asking.
Two years ago when we cut the ties and went out on our own we felt very powerful and alive. I think it was a case of ignorance was bliss or something like that. After the realities began settling in about advertisement costs, the economy tumbling, etc. with owning your own business it was a little harder to feel quite so powerful and alive.
Lots of times in the last two years there has actually been sheer terror. When you have been employed by the government for 30 years and go out on your own there is the feeling of free falling. When you live in the States you can always rely on unemployment, the soup kitchen, or last resort door keeper at Walmart.
Living in Central America has forced us to really be creative and call on our talents and skills and even develop some new ones. When we started our massage school I did not know the first thing about computers, that one has come a very long way. We have also had to learn to deal with all sorts of people from different of walks of life all over the world.
Looking back on it as we begin our first multi student class this Monday I have to ask myself, would I do it all again? You better believe it because I fully plan to slide in laughing and screaming, " wow what a ride" when it is all over!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
In order to as she puts it "not look retarded" she works on math and language every day. She does enjoy the math and endures the language. She has never been a big reader like my other children were and still are, but she does a lot of reading on the computer.
When we were homeschooling our older children I was pretty uptight about them getting the three R's and making sure they were up to par with their peers. That was futile as well as silly. They all went to high school and college way ahead, no thanks to all my worries and nagging.
I have also seen this with my son-in-law. He completed the sixth grade living in Hondurus and went on to a tech school to learn how to make shoes. When he was 17 he walked to the U.S. and worked and lived there for five years. He worked as a roofer, cook, sheet rocker, painter, and repairman. He was deported four months after he and my daughter were married and has become a woodworker. He makes beautiful woodwork and loves to read.
About six months ago he decided to return to school and finish high school. They started him by having him go back to seventh grade and memorize his times tables. That took about one day. All the stuff we spend years trying to teach our kids he has learned in about six months.
After watching this I have decided no more worrying for me. They will learn when they are ready and in the meantime they have room in their heads for thinking about things and learning to try and make sense of the world as it is. I think that is more than most people even attempt to do these days.
Monday, January 5, 2009
In high school he attended a art charter school and got really good. He was able to design the year book for two years for that school and one other cover for another local high school. He has finally framed and started showing his art work.
On Friday night he was one of the featured artists at the Flagstaff art walk. He had his art work at the Blackhound Gallery in downtown Flagstaff. The best part is he sold two drawings and got orders for two more! When we talked to him Saturday and found out the good news he was at the grocery store! What they say about poor artists is true right now, but watch out he is going to be hot real soon.
He does great potraits also and if anyone is interested just send me a message and I will get him to show you some of his work. This pic is just one we have hung up, but he has a few more and is spending more time on portraits. Pura Vida!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Once I have learned more about the "law of attraction" I have realized why I keep making these goals over and over. It is because I keep making the same mistakes over and over. A good example of this is the weight loss dilema. How many of us have just wanted to lose that extra 10 lbs. for years now?
In finally comprehending the law of attraction I realized what I was actually doing was attracting that 10 lbs. back every year. That which we think about is what we get. I was thinking about the 10 lbs. not being skinny.
This year is different. I have pictures of what I want to look like, and will not concentrate on the don't haves or don't wants, only the wants and haves. In other words put it all in a positive sentence. I will spend one hour a day working on reading with Maleah. Rather than I will not send Maleah to school not knowing how to read in english. Does that make sense?
I will talk more tomorrow about how to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. That was a hard one for me to comprehend until I read a great analogy about it. Take care and rewrite those goals on a positive note. Pura Vida and Happy New Year.